Certified Competency: Partial Discharge Assessment (Measurement, Data Analysis & Interpretation) – (CPD UK Accredited)

Virtual instructor-led (VILT)

10th Jan, 2022 - 13th Jan, 2022

1 Participant

09:00 – 13:30 (GMT+8)

2 or more

4 Hours/Day

Early Bird Fee

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Certified Competency: Partial Discharge Assessment (Measurement, Data Analysis & Interpretation) – (CPD UK Accredited)

Learn about how to evaluate the conditions of the medium and high voltage electrical assets by performing Partial Discharge test and analysis. (Cables, Switchgear, Transformer and Rotating Machines)


In-depth Partial Discharge and measurement techniques

The training will begin with partial discharge phenomena, from the definition, the physical process behind it and the representation used. This will expand into the Internal Pd phenomena using the physical laws which will help participant better understand the shape of the graphs. Participant will have complete understanding of the partial discharge phenomena and why they are triggered within insulation systems.

The instructor will further explain how to do the measurement, type of sensors, position, procedure for the different asset type and type of Pd measurement. Participant will learn how to properly perform the measurement and evaluate the test results.

Data analysis and interpretation: (Cables, Switchgear, Transformer and Rotating Machines)

One of the most difficult tasks is interpreting the PD data and determining the time an insulation system may remain in service before damaging and costly failure can occur. The instructor will show and explain the principles of data analysis for each asset (such as cables, switchgear, Transformer, and rotating machines) and type of test (online and offline).

Real PD data in form of PDPattern (graph analysed to study the partial discharge phenomena) eg: simplified drawings will be used to explain the data interpretation. With this participant will be able to evaluate the condition of the asset tested, thus perform the proper follow up action.

Participant will be able to apply the principles and the ways of interpreting the data to any technology (instrument) even if different technology has different software as the principles is still the same. At the end of the training, the attendees will be able to select the right technology based on the asset/test they want to perform. The instructor will also further discuss any particular instrument attendees are using.

The objective of the training is to improve existing knowledge or provide a different approach in case there are focus on a single PD technology, data acquisition procedure with a step by step guidelines and best practices.

Designed For

Who should Attend this Virtual Instructor Led Training (VILT)?

This comprehensive course will be valuable to all levels of engineers and managers dealing with condition assessment of medium and high voltage electrical assets who work in the power industry from generator companies to transmission and distribution system operators. Engineers working in oil and gas industry who are involved in performing PD measurement in Critical MV assets such as Motors, distribution transformers, cables and switchgears will gain from the course.

  • Electrical engineers: to learn about partial discharge and gain knowledge.
  • Engineers interested on PD data analysis and interpretation.
  • Asset managers: to evaluate the condition of their assets.
  • Maintenance engineers/technicians: to perform condition assessment test and/or re-commissioning after repair.
  • Engineering and maintenance personnel who are involved in condition assessments of electrical assets.
  • Company who employed 3rd party to perform partial discharge testing: will learn what information to look for in order to do the correct analysis based on the asset/test performed. This will help to evaluate the test reports provided by third party contractors and in selecting the right test follow up action.
  • Any industries/engineers involved with: Cables (MV: 6kV – 35kV / High and Extra HV: 66kV – 500kV), Switchgear (AIS 6kV – 35kV / GIS: 35kV – 500kV), Transformers (MV: 6kV – 35kV/ HV and EHV: 66kV – 500kV), Motors (6.6kV – 11kV / 17.5kV) and Generators (6.6 – 30kV).

You will Learn

By the end of this VILT, participants will be able to master:
  • Physical knowledge of partial discharge phenomena.
  • PD Pattern analysis.
  • Partial discharge measurement techniques.
  • Partial discharge measurement limitations.
  • Capability of selecting the right PD Acquisition unit based on the type of PD test to be done.
  • Capability of selecting the right PD sensor based on the type of asset and acquisition unit.
  • PD Data analysis principles for each asset / test.
  • Assessment of the asset based on the PD data analysis results.
  • Capability of selecting the right following action based on the assessment results.


These 4 series of Virtual instructor-led Training will describe from the technical point of view the existing techniques and the assessment procedure for each individual asset (from cables, switchgear, Transformer, and rotating machines), how to evaluate the data and how to decide what to do (based on the asset tested and test result).
  • In-depth Partial discharge & Measurement
  • Partial discharge assessment on Cables & Switchgears.
  • Partial discharge assessment on Oil Filled & Dry Type Transformers.
  • Partial discharge assessment on Rotating machines.


  • Principal Technical Authorities and an expert in Partial Discharge Testing.
  • Experience in Commissioning PD test assessment on HV Cables – Off-line / on-line test, PD test assessment on different assets – On-line/Off-line/ Laboratory test and Complete assessment on different assets – Off-line.
  • Performed over more than 200 commissioning, laboratory and PD test assessment: Off-line / On-line (Generators, Motors, HV/MV Cables, GIS Substation, HV Series Reactor, AIS/GIS Switchgears and Transformers (Oil Type / Dry Type- Cast Resin).
  • Provide PD Test Assessment on electrical Assets technical training.
  • Experience throughout Europe, USA, Asia, and the Middle East.
  • Travelled extensively, technical training and performed Partial Discharge testing in many countries worldwide. (Europe, USA, Asia, and the Middle East.)

Online – Virtual instructor-led

ENERGY1 ASIA Virtual instructor-led Training (ONLINE)

Due to the recent developments with COVID-19 we have, for the health and safety of our speakers and attendees, our selected multi-day courses will be delivered live online led by experience practitioners. This will enable you to experience a similar engagement experience to our successful traditional classroom setting which includes exercises, answering your question and provide feedback – all without having to travel anywhere!

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