Child accident claims and child injury claims by the Children's Accident Helpline.

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Malicious Attacks Against Children

The main factor which separates type of claim from an accident is there is definitely a perpetrator and consequently, in the majority of cases, money can be claimed for compensation to help your child cope with the results of an attack. Often parents do not make a claim because they did not know they had a legal right to claim compensation, or they were concerned they would not be able to deal with the legal processes.

A malicious attack may come in various forms:


Bullying continues to play an uncomfortable part in society. But whereas we tended to pass it off as a natural part of growing up we now understand how detrimental it can be treat it with the importance it should be given. This is largely due to the fact that it has increased frighteningly online through social media (see below) and we have a better understanding of how it can be so destructive emotionally spiritually and socially. Its affects can damage an individual throughout their life and at its most severe it can lead to suicidal behaviour.

Annual bullying survey

The anti-bullying charity "Ditch the Label" has published a survey that highlights the current bullying statistics:

  • 45% of young people experience bullying before the age of 18
  • 26% of those bullied experience bullying on a daily basis
  • 30% have gone on to self-harm as a result of bullying
  • 10% have attempted suicide as a result of bullying
  • 83% said bullying had a negative impact on their self-esteem
  • 56% said bullying affected their studies. A clear difference was reported in grades achieved by individuals who were being bullied.

Cyber bullying

Digital communication is now integrated into our everyday lives. Children growing up in the 21st century are plugging into social media at very early ages and in many ways it is the becoming the main way to communicate. Unfortunately, cyberbullying appears to be increasing at a frightening rate. To such an extent that words such as "Trolls" and "Trolling" which describe it, have been introduced into our everyday language. Unlike the physical world, cyberbullying attacks are psychological with children isolated with overt or covert harassment. Damage can be long term in the same way and at its worst it can lead to suicide.

Cyberbullying statistics

EU Kids online surveyed 1000 youths and issued a report with the following statistics:

  • 7 in 10 children are victims of cyberbullying
  • It was found to have a catastrophic effect (self-esteem, concentration, focusing on school work etc) on 70% of young peoples lives
  • An estimated 5.43 million young people in the UK have experienced cyberbullying
  • 47% of parents are concerned about their child going online.
  • 65% of children go online without any parental supervision

Animal attacks

It may seem that an unpredictable act such as a dog attacking a child cannot be covered by the law - but it can. The Animals Act was introduced in 1971 in order to impose strict liability on owners of animals that cause damage and injury to others, this was followed in 1991 by the Dangerous Dogs Act. You can therefore claim compensation when it is shown that an owner has not taken proper precautions to prevent an animal causing injury to a child.

If you feel your child has been a victim of any of the categories raised above, or you need general advice and free guidance you can call us all us on 0800 433 7690. Alternatively complete our simple online claim form. Don't delay because other children could also be at risk.

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0800 433 7690

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Child Injury ClaimsCompensation for ChildrenChild Accident Claim

0800 433 7690

0330 223 2057

Beaumont House
Auckinleck Way
GU11 1WT

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The Children's Accident Helpline is committed to providing the best possible service to all our clients. We are committed only to the areas within Child Health Litigation and Medical Law.